How To Grow Sunflower Shoot Microgreens Indoors

11 Easy steps for growing your own sunflower shoot microgreens indoors.

  1. Measure 2-3 cups of dry seed per 1020 grow tray.
  2. Sanitize your sunflower seeds by submerging them in The Poor Man’s Sanitizer Solution for 10 minutes. Sunflower seeds float so agitate the soluion a few times.
  3. Pour the sanitized sunflower seeds into a mesh strainer to rinse well with potable water.
  4. Pour the sunflower seeds into a tall pitcher or bowl, submerge in pH 6-7 water and soak for 4-12 hours. The seeds will float on the surface so stir occasionally . Remove any floating debris.
  5. Pour the sunflower seeds into a pasta colander.
  6. Rinse and drain thouroughly 2x per day. Leave the sunflower seeds in the collander until the root tips are showing.
  7. Lay the sunflower seeds out on pre-moistened, sanitized grow media in your grow tray. Your seed density should be about 5-8 oz. per 1020 tray and the sunflower seeds should not be clumped together or touching each other.
  8. Blackout for 2-3 days until shoots start to appear.
  9. Expose the sunflower seeds to 6500k white light for 18 hours per day, with 6 hours of darkness.
  10. Water from the bottom up 5-6x per day.
  11. Harvest your sunflower seeds after 10-14 days when the first or second set of true leaves appear by cutting the shoots just above the grow medium with scissors or a sharp knife. Your sunflower shoots should be 3-4″ inches or more in height by this time.

Your freshly harvested Sunflower Shoot Microgreens should be stored in a closed container in the refrigerator @ 36-40° and will keep for up to 10-14 days.


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