Seed: Organic Speckled Peas
Qty: 1 lb.
Seed Source: Sprout People
Seed Source URL:
Date Ordered: 05/24/2019
Germination Date: 07/16/2019
Harvest Date: 07/28/2019


Soak Date: 07/16/2019
Sanitizing Soak Time: 10 minutes
Sanitizing Soak Solution: 4 teaspoons of white vinegar + 4 teaspoons of food-grade hydrogen peroxide + 1 quart of water.
Rinse & Soak in pure water: 8 hours

Grow System: Vertical Ebb & Flow Grow Rack
Seed Amount: 1 cup (x grams) dry weight per tray

Tray 1 Grow Media: Hemp grow mat
Tray 2 Grow Media: Biostrate grow mat
Tray 3 Grow Media: No grow mat, just seed in a 1020 seed tray

Tray 1 Yield: 9 oz.
Tray 2 Yield:
11.3 oz.
Tray 3 Yield:
not measured, just an experiment, plants do not grow as fast, not a viable method.

Speckled Pea Shoot Germination Series:

Sprouting, Short shoots, and Tall shoots.

Lessons Learned

  • For next crop measure 300-330 grams dry weight of seed instead of 1 cup volume.
  • Goal is 16-24 oz. yield per 1020 tray
  • Might want to put more weight on top of seeds during blackout period.
  • Next crop, try coconut coir for one tray and organic soil mixed with perlite for another tray.